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Plastic is not fantastic.
Beeswax wraps are!

Experience the true essence of our artisanal craftsmanship by exploring our complete range of homemade beeswax wraps and candles. Take a close look, find the perfect blend of sustainable charm and functionality, and bring eco-friendly elegance to your home. Start your journey now!

Why planBee is a great alternative to cling film?

Our handmade beeswax wraps are an environmentally-friendly food storage alternative to cling film. All of our “planBee” wraps are carefully handmade, using only OEKOTEX® cotton. The beeswax is locally sourced from our own beehives and local beekeepers in the southwest of Lithuania. By purchasing our products, you are not only supporting small businesses in the circular economy but also reducing your personal carbon dioxide footprint by replacing plastic wrapping on a daily basis.

Small business

Supporting local beekeepers, all the beeswax comes from our own local family’s bees farm and other beekeepers located in the southwest of Lithuania.


Our packaging is made of 100% recycled materials. At the end of their lifecycle, the cotton tissue of the beeswax wraps can be renewed. Simply hand them back to us.

High quality

All of our re-usable beeswax wraps are carefully handmade and inspected before shipping. However, if you are not satisfied with our product, we will replace it hassle-free.

planBee product reviews


“Nuostabus būdas iškeisti gamtą teršiančią platikinę plėvelę į šias spalvingas ir praktiškas drobeles! Drobelės puikiai tiks uzdengti/apgaubti indus, nes drobelę galima gana tvirtai prispausti prie kraštų, ar tiesiog įvynioti daržoves, vaisius ar kitus maisto produktus. Esu labai patenkinta 😎”


“This is my first set of wax wraps ever! I’m excited to use them instead of plastic or aluminum foil. The pattern of these wraps are so cute.”


“Nuoširdžiausia rekomendacija norintiems rinktis ekologiškus ir gamtą tausojančius sprendimus virtuvėje! Drobeles dažniausiai renkuosi dovanoti, nes dauguma net nežino esant alternatyvų! Ačiū labai už dovanėlę ir man ir iki kitų kartų! 😉

Bee inspired. Bee sustainable.